Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Work this week!

The last two weeks of work have been pretty difficult. As the Coordinator of the South Dakota High School Press Association, I am responsible for setting up all the events of the SDSU Summer Institute program. Basically, it's a summer camp for journalism high school students. I work from 8am to around 7pm, sometimes longer, and I'm exhausted. I had no idea I was going to have so much work to do for this event. Tomorrow is the last day of a two-week stint and I'm excited! I can't wait to be done!


Anonymous said...

Hey!!! I used to blog ALL the time. I think about mid-way through my pregnancy I lost interest, much to the dismay of my grandfather who ALWAYS asks me when I'm going to update it. Um, if the most recent post was from January of 2007 ... I think it's safe to say it might be awhile. :) I'll check back often! ~jen

Kerrie said...

Yay! I'm happy about your blog. I still try to blog a couple times a week.

Sounds like you're really busy!!!

Miss ya!!